for women's health at any age, including during pregnancy, lactation and menopause

Oral Probiotic for Women and Girls 6+

Probacto Uroflor is necessary for:

  • Urogenital system health:

    Lactobacilli and cranberry extract help to cope with cystitis and bacterial vaginosis

  • Recovery of the vaginal microflora in women:

    ЛLactobacilli populate the urinary and reproductive tract, compete with opportunistic and pathogenic microflora, and contribute to an increase in the number of beneficial bacteria.

  • Prevention of allergies in the future child:

    World Allergy Organization (WAO) recommends to use of probiotics in pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers if there is a risk of developing allergies in the future child.

Probacto Uroflor helps to cope with women's problems


Burning sensation?

Soreness when urinating?


Unpleasant smell?

Probacto Uroflor is a benefit for women's health

thanks to the combination of an effective dose of proanthocyanidins (72 mg) and lactobacilli (2 billion)


Lactobacilli help:

  • normalize the vaginal microflora
  • restore the natural acidic environment in the vagina
  • increase the resistance of the mucosa to the effects of pathogenic microorganisms


Cranberry extract contains proanthocyanidins, which:

  • protect against infections and inflammation of the urinary tract
  • prevent bacterial cells from attaching to the epithelium
  • promote the elimination of pathogenic bacteria


Protected by a special DR-capsule useful lactobacilli get to their destination alive.

How to use Probacto Uroflor:

For women
& girls

after 6 year

1 capsule 1-2 times a day

during or after meals


How to use Probacto Uroflor:

For women
& girls

after 6 year

1 capsule 1-2 times a day

during or after meals


Other Probacto products

Probacto Classic

For any diarrhea and taking antibiotics.


Probacto Baby

Children's probiotic: colic, allergy, immunity.


Probacto Mega

Quick help for diarrhea and gastrointestinal problems.


Probacto Uroflor

To maintain the genitourinary system.


Probacto Immuno

Immunity support.


Probacto Ent

For the health of the ENT organs and the oral cavity.


Probacto Enzyme

With digestive disorders, medication, diarrhea.


Questions and Answers

Здоровый человек живет в гармонии с многочисленным и разнообразным сообществом микроорганизмов внутри себя. К сожалению, баланс микрофлоры легко нарушить. Болезнь и прием антибиотиков, стрессы и неправильное питание могут повлиять на состав и количество полезных микроорганизмов.
Здоровый человек живет в гармонии с многочисленным и разнообразным сообществом микроорганизмов внутри себя. К сожалению, баланс микрофлоры легко нарушить. Болезнь и прием антибиотиков, стрессы и неправильное питание могут повлиять на состав и количество полезных микроорганизмов.
Здоровый человек живет в гармонии с многочисленным и разнообразным сообществом микроорганизмов внутри себя. К сожалению, баланс микрофлоры легко нарушить. Болезнь и прием антибиотиков, стрессы и неправильное питание могут повлиять на состав и количество полезных микроорганизмов.
Здоровый человек живет в гармонии с многочисленным и разнообразным сообществом микроорганизмов внутри себя. К сожалению, баланс микрофлоры легко нарушить. Болезнь и прием антибиотиков, стрессы и неправильное питание могут повлиять на состав и количество полезных микроорганизмов.
Здоровый человек живет в гармонии с многочисленным и разнообразным сообществом микроорганизмов внутри себя. К сожалению, баланс микрофлоры легко нарушить. Болезнь и прием антибиотиков, стрессы и неправильное питание могут повлиять на состав и количество полезных микроорганизмов.
В норме у нас во рту и носоглотке по данным разных научных источников около 700 различных видов бактерий.


“I decided to take probiotics Lactoflor Kiddy for a sample for children. Children enjoy taking it and are less likely to get sick. Last year I took sick leave 5 times, but this time I went only once. Gonna try probiotics myself
from Lamyra. ”


“I decided to take probiotics Lactoflor Kiddy for a sample for children. Children enjoy taking it and are less likely to get sick. Last year I took sick leave 5 times, but this time I went only once. Gonna try probiotics myself
from Lamyra. ”


“I decided to take probiotics Lactoflor Kiddy for a sample for children. Children enjoy taking it and are less likely to get sick. Last year I took sick leave 5 times, but this time I went only once. Gonna try probiotics myself
from Lamyra. ”


“I decided to take probiotics Lactoflor Kiddy for a sample for children. Children enjoy taking it and are less likely to get sick. Last year I took sick leave 5 times, but this time I went only once. Gonna try probiotics myself
from Lamyra. ”


“I decided to take probiotics Lactoflor Kiddy for a sample for children. Children enjoy taking it and are less likely to get sick. Last year I took sick leave 5 times, but this time I went only once. Gonna try probiotics myself
from Lamyra. ”


“I decided to take probiotics Lactoflor Kiddy for a sample for children. Children enjoy taking it and are less likely to get sick. Last year I took sick leave 5 times, but this time I went only once. Gonna try probiotics myself
from Lamyra. ”


Where can you buy it?


On the benefit of probiotics

There is the whole world of microorganisms inside us. And not only inside, but also outside – on the skin, all over the body. A very large world, trillions of the cells of bacteria, viruses, fungi. This is microflora that is unique for each person.


On the benefit of probiotics

There is the whole world of microorganisms inside us. And not only inside, but also outside – on the skin, all over the body. A very large world, trillions of the cells of bacteria, viruses, fungi. This is microflora that is unique for each person.