On the benefit of probiotics

There is the whole world of microorganisms inside us. And not only inside, but also outside – on the skin, all over the body. A very large world, trillions of the cells of bacteria, viruses, fungi. This is microflora that is unique for each person. If we are healthy and there is nothing that bothers us, this is a friendly world, it consists of beneficial and various microorganisms. However, if the balance of health is disturbed, microflora will be disturbed, there will be fewer beneficial bacteria, pathogenic organisms, which worsen our well-being and contribute to the development of diseases, will multiply. Probiotics can help.

A probiotic has Greek roots: «pro» means «for», «biotic» – «life». Therefore, probiotics are good bacteria, which have a beneficial effect on the body.

According to the WHO definition, «Probiotics are live microorganisms which have a positive effect on the body of a host during administration in proper amounts».

Comfortable digestion

Probiotics can help improve digestion, relieve abdominal discomfort, relieve distention and gas production and adjust a regular bowel pattern. Probiotic microorganisms help digest proteins, carbohydrates, food lipids, participate in the synthesis of vitamins, amino acids, hormones, short-chain fatty acids.

Protection against respiratory infections

Probiotics boost immunity during the cold and flu season. There are indeed up to 80% of immune cells in the intestine, and beneficial bacteria are actively involved in the synthesis of immune defense factors – antibodies, send macrophages and lymphocytes to fight an infection.

Mental health

Our psycho-emotional state, cognitive abilities directly depend on bacteria living with us. Even mood turns out to depend on the state of microflora. After all, 90% of the happy hormone – serotonin is produced by intestinal cells. Beneficial bacteria are involved in the production of serotonin. Do you want to be happy, restore your performance efficacy in case of chronic fatigue syndrome, relieve anxiety, improve sleep, memory? The probiotic can be a possible solution.

Metabolic processes

The participation of probiotic microorganisms in the physiology of our body is so deep that the relationship between the level of certain bacteria and the level of cholesterol, glucose, the risk of obesity and diabetes mellitus has been found.

Microflora takes part in the absorption and metabolism of drug products, which are prescribed by a doctor in a polyclinic. If there is no effect, for example, from a drug product for the reduction of blood pressure, a reason may be the disruption of the composition of microflora – a decrease in diversity and the number of beneficial bacteria.

Skin problems and allergy

Skin is a mirror of the intestine, a test for the health of microflora. Therefore, probiotics help neutralize food allergens entering the intestine in people with skin allergy and help fight allergy.

The World Allergy Organization recommends expectant mothers with a tendency toward allergy to take probiotics during pregnancy and breastfeeding in order to reduce the risk of atopic dermatitis in a baby, so that the baby can better adapt to new food products when adding complementary feeding.

In case of skin problems, acneiform rash and atopy, dermatologists recommend taking probiotics orally or may include cosmetic creams with probiotics in a treatment regimen.

If spring does not bring joy because you sneeze and suffer from a runny nose and lacrimation in response to a riot of blooming plants, then the inclusion of the probiotic as a therapy complex can help relieve both nasal and ocular symptoms.

Women's problems

Special probiotics for women will restore microflora in the intimate sphere, remove the unpleasant symptoms of thrush, itching, discharge and help in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis and other vaginal infections.

The future of the use of probiotics

Several recent studies have shown the potential role of probiotics for tumor treatment regimens, an increase in the effectiveness of anticancer therapy and a decrease in the toxic effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

The balance of microflora with probiotics is the key to overall health!